Ciao Renter,
this post is about the impact of the energy crisis on the gas and electricity bills.
As you can imagine, offering “all inclusive prices”, in such a critic situation, becomes more and more challenging.
Therefore most of the landlords set some limits in the bills included in the price.
The exceeded amount will be charged to you during the lease and, for the last bills, it will deducted from the deposit.
The landlords will check constantly the bills (they are usually bi-monthly *) so you can promptly be informed about an eventual excessive usage, avoiding an unexpected notice at the checkout, when your security deposit should be refunded.
👉🏻 Fair use of energy, to avoid too high bills:
- AC can be used only if it’s hot ☀️ (at least 27 °C), so in the summer (June-August),
- The heating can be used when it’s cold ❄️ (less than 18°C), so only in the winter (November-March, as stated by Italian law) and never use the AC as heating.
✳️ How not to risk to use too much energy and have too high bills?
▶️ Saving energy, following the rules we have in Italy:

– set the thermostat max on
19°C (66 Fahrenheit) in the day (autonomous heating) or radiators on “
2” (see the picture, central heating),
– the heating can work
max 12 hours/day and only in the winter (Nov-March).
▶️ Some other recommendations of fair use of energy:
– keep on the electrical water heater, it uses more energy if you turn it off when you don’t need hot water (turn it off only if you go away for more then 1 week),
– never use the AC as dehumidifier or heating in the winter (if in the apartment there are the radiators),
– use the AC only in the summer (June-August) only when it’s at least 30°C and possibly with dehumidifier mode,
– use the electrical appliances (washing machine, dishwasher, dryer…) before 7 am and after 7 pm, or on Saturday-Sunday,

– always turn off all the
lights when you are not at home (and turn on only the one in the room you are),
– use the oven only when it’s really needed,
– if you feel cold, never buy/use a heater, even small, is uses a lot of electricity. Please inform us if you are not comfortable with the temperature in the apartment and we’ll find a solution.
📌 If you are leaving for more than 1 week, please:
– Inform us about the dates you’ll be away (autonomous heating) or turn the radiators on “1” (central heating)
– turn off the water heater, the AC and all the lights.
📝 Most of them aren’t “new rules”, actually, it’s simply how everybody should always behave at home: fair use of energy!
* As the bills are usually bi-monthly in Italy, it can happen the security deposit can’t be refunded within 2 weeks after the checkout, because the landlord needs to wait the bills will be issued to make the calculation.